Lafrentz Road Marking

News / Events / Notices

Lafrentz - Covid 19:
Best Practices

Welcome to the Employee Portal at Lafrentz Road Marking

This is the place where you can come to find out about the happenings at Lafrentz. If you have something that you would like to share please get the information to:

Chris Tim

  • New Social Committee Formed – Event information to be posted here so check back often
  • Downloadable Forms – Now available for workers to download are the Dental and Health Claim forms that can be found on the right in pdf form.
  • More Changes Coming – The asphalt plant and agregate storage area will be in full production this summer. Traffic will increase dramatically so safe driving habits in this new envionment will be crucial.
  • Energy Savings – Colas Worldwide is seeking your assistance in reaching the goal of 20% energy savings. Look for the posters and stickers. Let’s see how we can be contributors. More information in the near future.

Our actions are guided by the fundamental respect for each man and woman in the Group.  Efficiency, motivation and personal satisfaction are enhanced by open dialogue, quality working conditions, the integration of new employees, training, promotion and the passing on of experience. – Colas SA

Check out our sponsorship on Element of Speed.

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